Visualisations based on statistics (aggregates) provided by the Centrum e-Zdrowia (e-Health Centre) on the Otwarte Dane (Open Data) portal


A short-term analysis of the number of COVID-19 cases and/or deaths after vaccination does not provide a complete picture due to the development of the immune system response, which, according to the World Health Organisation, usually lasts several weeks, so it is possible that a person who has received the vaccine will be infected due to the fact that they have not yet developed a sufficiently strong immune system response when exposed to SARS-CoV-2 virus:

Therefore, irrespective of vaccination, a sanitary regime should be maintained. It is also possible that the person who was vaccinated became infected shortly before the vaccination and the symptoms of the disease did not occur until after the vaccination, resulting in the patient being allowed to be vaccinated. According to information published by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), the median time of onset of symptoms of COVID-19 is 4-5 days after exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus:

Data preparation: Departament Centrum Analiz